Thursday, June 16, 2011

Canada - Day Three

Day Three!

We packed up all of our belongings and headed to the beautiful Church of St. Mary Magdalene in a charming section of downtown Toronto. We warmed up in the beautiful space of the Anglican cathedral that was the long time home of famous composer Healey Willan. his strong musical influence was clearly evident with the impressive musical traditions observed in the space. It was a "high church" liturgical service that included a baptism and all elements of the the full Eucharistic mass. Following the service, the church members provided a generous lunch.

We then made our way to Kingston - a city that is often overlooked, but is full of history and heritage. We had a very entertaining step-on guide who led us through the city's impressive collection of churches, prisons, museums, and historical societies. Kingston, Canada's first capital city, is nestled at the junction of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. The boys were most impressed with the Royal Military College of Canada. Cannons, tanks, jets, and guns lined this campus that is the home to all of Canada's armed forces training.

After our guided tour, we had dinner at the Lone Star Texas Grill...Canada has some of the BEST Tex-Mex! After the evening's fare of chicken, steak, and veggie fajitas - and an impressive offering of local desserts - we headed to a local park along e St. Lawrence where games of tag, picture-taking, and running around preceded our travels to our accommodations for the evening. This night, we stayed in the dorms of Queens College. These kids enjoyed being college students for the evening on this impressive campus.

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