Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer Tour 2009

Summer Tour 2009 Itenerary:

June 4 - Chattanooga to Louisville, KY
Cathedral of the Assumption
433 S. 5th Street, Louisville, KY

June 5 - Louisville to St. Louis, MO
performance with St. Charles County Youth Choir
Social Sciences Building Auditorium
St. Charles Community College
4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, St. Peters, MO

June 6 -Mid-day performance at Old Courthouse

June 7 - St. Louis to Chicago

June 8 - Chicago, IL
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
1747 Lake Avenue
Wilmette, IL

June 9 - Chicago - Indianapolis, IN

June 10 - Indianapolis to Chattanooga


Welcome to the Chattanooga Boys Choir blog! We'll be using it to update you on our travels. You'll find information about where we've been, what we've seen, and where we have performed.